

Customer Advisory #13 – 2015
Reminder of PHA Hazardous Pre-advise System Effective September 2009

Dear Valued Customer,
CMA CGM (America) LLC reminds all customers of the Port of Houston Authority’s (PHA) Hazardous Documentation Pre-advisement requirements that have been in force since September 2009. The port of Houston implemented this paperless hazardous pre-advise system and no longer accepts hazardous documents from the driver at the gate.
Hazardous documents must be sent to hazpro@poha.com twenty-four (24hrs) prior to container arrival at the terminal. For more information, please visit PHA’s website:
To verify pre-advise, please visit the below mentioned websites:
BCT WebAccess: http://expressweb.poha.com/express/
BPT CAP: http://tos.poha.com:9080/apex/cap.zul

Thank you for your continued support. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this adjustment, please contact your local CMA CGM (America) LLC sales representative. For current schedule activity, please visit our Web site at www.cma-cgm.com.


