Hamburg Sued circulates the following information:




Commencing January 1st 2015, all ships and ocean carriers operating within Emission Control Areas (ECA) in the Baltic Sea, North Sea, English Channel, and the Coasts of Canada and USA, will be required to utilize fuel with significantly lower sulphur content. This binding requirement is set out by International Maritime Organization (IMO) and regulated by MARPOL under annex VI.
In order to offset the additional costs in meeting these targets, Hamburg Süd will implement a separate ECA surcharge effective 1st January, 2015, on all cargo moving to / from an ECA area. The new surcharge is applicable both on the head haul and/or back haul in the same amount. The charge will cover only the additional cost of using lower Sulfur content fuel when our vessels are in these emission areas.
The following list provides a summary of charges applicable on all cargo effective 1st January, 2015, based on current bunker price:


Hamburg Süd will review these levels on a quarterly basis to account for changes in fuel prices and will continue to work to minimize the impact for our customers.
We appreciate your support of our services. Please contact your local Hamburg Süd representatives for more information associated with the MARPOL VI regulations and this initiative. For information on  environmental initiatives being undertaken by Hamburg Süd please view our Environmental Responsibility Report at

