Here the latest info on the status at Canadian National Railways:





Dear Customers and Supply Chain Partners,
I am writing to update you on the status of current CN labour negotiations with two of our Canadian unions:


1. The Teamster’s Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) union (represents CN locomotive engineers in Canada only): The TCRC and CN continue negotiations. Neither party can commence strike/lockout proceedings unless 72 hour’s prior notice is given to the other party. Based on constructive discussions to date, CN is optimistic that the company and Union still have time to reach a mutually satisfactory collective agreement without a labour disruption. While the TCRC may announce the results of a strike vote, the TCRC acquisition of a strike mandate from its membership is a normal part of the bargaining process. In the event of a work stoppage, CN will consider its options to operate the railway safely in the circumstances. Our U.S. operations will remain unaffected.


2. Unifor which represents a variety of unionized CN employees in Canada (including clerical workers at our Service Delivery Centres in Edmonton and Montreal; Waybill Centre in Winnipeg; Intermodal terminal ground operations across Canada; CN Lumber transload sites in Vancouver; Cargoflo in Moncton; as well as Locomotive and Freight Car repair employees across Canada): Unifor and CN continue negotiations. Neither party can commence strike/lockout proceedings unless 72 hour’s prior notice is given to the other party. CN is continuing active negotiations with the bargaining committee of Unifor and, based on constructive discussions to date, we remain optimistic that the Company and Union still have time to reach a mutually satisfactory collective agreement without a labour disruption. In the event of a work stoppage, CN will consider its options to operate the railway safely in the circumstances. Our U.S. operations will be unaffected.
CN has recently negotiated a tentative collective agreement with the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference-Rail Canada Traffic Controllers, which represents traffic controllers or train dispatchers, and a ratified agreement with the United Steelworkers, which represents maintenance-of-way employees on CN in Canada.
I will continue to inform you about the progress of on-going labor negotiations.
Thank you for your business and your continuing partnership.
Jean-Jacques Ruest
Executive Vice-President and Chief Marketing Officer

