We received the following from our partner in Belgium:






To whom it may concern,


Herewith we would like to inform you regarding the new road tax which will be implemented in Belgium as per April 1st 2016.


The toll will be applicable on most highways in Belgium as well as some of the secondary roads. The system is very similar to the German MAUT system. Per KM a fee of € 0,13 – € 0,2 will be automatically deducted depending on the engine type of the truck. All trucks driving in Belgium are required to have the necessary on-board-unit as per April 1st, regardless if they use the toll roads or not. Fines will be € 1000 per occurrence not limited to a maximum number of fines. Fines can be issued every 3 hours.



Unfortunately this new road tax means that for all transports carried out whereby the most optimal route is taking the truck through Belgium., we will be forced to charge the Belgium Road Tax in addition to the rates we currently have in place. This concerns all transports to and from the port of Antwerp but also transports to and from Rotterdam with destinations in France, southern Germany etc. When in doubt you can always contact us to avoid surprises. We will calculate with the minimum amount of € 0,13/KM.


This fee will only be charged if the transport was carried out on or after April 1st 2016. Below you will find, as an indication only, the following charges based on various Belgium border crossings into Germany. This means that for example transport to or from Aachen will show a different road tax then a transport going to Dortmund as the usage of the Belgium roadsystem depends on the final destination.


– Antwerpen – Bergen op Zoom        = 36,56km * € 0,13 = € 4,80

– Antwerpen – Hazeldonk/Meer         = 43,46km * € 0,13 = € 5,65

– Antwerpen – Eindhoven/Duisburg = 72km * € 0,13 = € 9,40

– Antwerpen – Aachen/Koeln             = 116km * € 0,13 = € 15,10

– Antwerpen – Arlon/Luxemburg       = 249km * € 0,13 = € 32,00

– Antwerpen – Lille/Paris                    = 111km * € 0,13 = € 14,43



