
Attention :To whom it may concern
From : Evergreen Shipping Agency (Netherlands) B.V., Rotterdam
Date : March 22nd , 2016

Subject : Chassis Usage Charge (CUC/L)

Dear Relation,
Herewith we would like to inform you about the increased quantum for the Chassis Usage Charge (CUC/L), effective date May 11st 2016.




Scope: For business from Europe to USA
EGLV-601 General Rules Tariff For All Trades (Rules + B/L + Equipment)
Effective date: May 21st , 2016
Chassis Usage Charge (CUC/L) (initial period of use). A chassis usage charge shall apply to all shipments that are destined to US states for which a Carrier-provided standard chassis with not more than 2 axles is used in the United States.

For Dry Standard and Dry Special Equipment Cargo :

Chassis usage for the day of interchange plus four (4) working days, i.e. excluding Saturday, Sundays and Holidays.

new CUC USD 40 per container

For Reefer Cargo :
Chassis usage for the day of interchange plus three (3) working days, i.e. excluding Saturday, Sundays and Holidays.



new CUC USD 40 per container

(For Service Contract customers, this chassis usage charge is applicable to the Original Service Contracts that are signed and effective on/after March 01, 2013.
For Original Service Contract that are signed and effective before March 01, 2013, this chassis usage charge will not apply.)


