


IMO – SOLAS Regulation Loaded Container Verified Gross Mass (VGM)


Dear Valued Customers


International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted amendments to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention, Chapter VI Regulation 2 – Cargo information regarding mandatory Verification of the gross mass of a container carrying cargo together with associated guidelines published as MSC.1/Circ. 1475.


Effective 1st July 2016, all loaded containers are required to have a Verified Gross Mass (VGM) declared by shippers. Starting 1st July 2016, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) will enforce globally the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention requirements regarding the verification of the gross weight of packed containers.


What does it mean to provide a loaded Container Verified Gross Mass (VGM)? 
The VGM is the certified Gross Cargo weight (including weight of all packing material & dunnage) plus container tare
weight. There are two methods for the Shipper to calculate the VGM:
Method 1: Weigh a packed & sealed container on a weighing bridge/device.
Method 2: Computing the VGM by using a Verified Cargo Weight (including packing materials) and adding the
container tare weight.


Who is responsible to provide the VGM?
The SOLAS regulation stipulates that the Shipper is responsible to provide the VGM to relevant parties (Terminal and
Carrier). There is no requirement for either the Carrier or the Terminal to have a VGM checked, verified, certified or
re-weighed. The Carrier is also not responsible to verify whether correct method/certification has been used by the
Under the SOLAS requirements, the shipper named on the ocean bill of lading is the party responsible for providing the
maritime (ocean) carrier (‘master’) and the terminal operator (‘terminal representative’) with the verified gross mass of a
packed container.
NYK will not accept any billing for services related to weighing of boxes unless explicitly requested by NYK.


What information is required when we receive from Shipper?
VGM submission by Shipper to NYK Line requires the following basic information as a minimum:
• Booking number
• Container number
• Verified Gross Mass
• Date, Name (as signatory) of the person who is duly authorised by the Shipper for VGM issuance as per



What is the date of implementation?
VGM data is required for all cargo loaded on/after 1st of July 2016 including Transhipment cargo .
For Transhipment cargo loaded at origin/first load port prior to 1/July’16 which will then tranship on/after 1/July’16 ,
VGM data should be provided by the Shipper to NYK Line in a timely manner in order for NYK Line to submit the VGM
data to the Transhipment port.
Transhipment VGM data can be submitted to NYK Line after sailing from Origin via our NYK Line eComm website and
must be submitted to NYK Line prior to 1/July’16 for all cargo transhipping on/after 1/July’16.


When is VGM required?
VGM is required prior to any container shipment. Cargo will not be loaded onto a vessel unless a certified VGM has
been provided by the Shipper.
Actual cut off time will vary by port / terminal or inland CY / port and is likely to be either:
• Current/existing CY cargo cut-off time at the Terminal (including inland, CY and rail)
• Prior to / during Terminal Gate In
It is therefore important that the Shipper finalises the VGM data at the time of or prior to cargo leaving Shipper’s
premises and that VGM data is provided to the Carrier and/or Terminal in a timely manner.
For Marine Terminals that require to have the VGM prior Gate In or latest at the time of gate-in then the Shipper should
ensure that VGM data has been supplied prior to arriving at the Terminal gate to avoid the risk of not being allowed to
enter the Terminal. All costs associated with mitigating this problem are to be borne by Shipper.


NYK Line Carrier Door move
For cargo moving via Marine Terminals that require to have the VGM prior Gate In or latest at the time of gate , NYK
Line will require confirmation of VGM data prior to leaving the shippers’ premises.


How does the Shipper obtain the Container Tare weight from NYK?
NYK Line will create an eComm website solution whereby customers can login with user ID and password, and access
container tare weight. Alternatively container tare weight can also be manually obtained from the door of the
container itself.


How does the Shipper provide VGM data to NYK Line?
Via an eComm website solution that is user ID and password protected. We anticipate that our eComm website will be
available from Mid-June’16. NYK Line is also reviewing VGM Submissions via Portals eg INTTRA, CargoSmart.


How does NYK provide VGM to Terminal and Vessel Operator?
VGM data received from Shipper will be added to existing communication processes to the Terminal for vessel stowage
planning. It is important that local requirements from all stakeholders are followed and adhered to in a timely manner.
Why is VGM needed?
This is a global IMO SOLAS mandatory regulatory requirement to avoid accidents due to wrong vessel stowage. VGM is
used for vessel planning and safe stowage.


What happens if VGM cannot be provided?
Cargo will not be loaded. NO VGM = NO LOAD! There may be Terminals not accepting to gate in if a (inland) transport
company cannot provide a VGM. All associated costs with shut out / re-nomination / weighing / return of cargo, etc will
be for Shipper’s account.
NYK Internal process will be set up whereby we will check/confirm submission of VGM. Final check will be required prior
to data submission to Terminal and Vessel Operator. If not provided at that time then EDI data submission will advise
same with instruction to the Terminal not to load until VGM confirmed. In many cases Terminal will not load anyway if
no VGM has been provided.


Is there a Global single standard implementation process?
There is no standardised Global Industry or “one size / fits all” implementation process. Instead implementation needs
to be based on local solutions by individual country, port and/or Terminal VGM submission time/cut-off will vary by
Please refer to the below WSC links which provides more detailed background and information.
WSC IMO Requirement for Container Weight Verification
WSC Guidelines for Implementing SOLAS Container Weight Verification Requirement
We will keep you informed of further updates including VGM documentation requirements and communication.
Please contact your local NYK office / representative for further information
NYK Line


