


General Rate Increase – Far East Eastbound
North Continent and Mediterranean to East Asia
May 13, 2016


Dear Customer,


We would like to inform you that with effect from June 15, 2016 Hapag-Lloyd will implement a General Rate Increase for all cargoes and all container types on the Far East eastbound trade by:


USD 100 per TEU


Foregoing is applicable for all shipments from North Europe and Mediterranean to all East Asia destinations.


North Europe comprises North West Continent, the U.K., Scandinavia, Baltic and European ports of Russia.
Mediterranean comprises the West Mediterranean, East Mediterranean, Black Sea and North Africa.
East Asia comprises Japan, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China (PRC), Macao, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Brunei and Russian Pacific Ports of Vladivostok and Vostochny.


For further information please contact your local Hapag-Lloyd office.
Kind regards,
Hapag-Lloyd AG


