


Verified Gross Mass (VGM) practice advisory for The Netherlands


As you may be aware, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted mandatory amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). Based on this amendment we will need to receive VGM details for every packed container which is subject to the Convention for Safe Containers (CSC).


We herewith would like to take the opportunity to inform you about the local practices regarding the new VGM regulation that will come into effect as from the 1st of July 2016.




Determination of the VGM
The regulation specified 2 different methods to determine the VGM.


‘Method 1’ — Physical weighing of the packed and sealed container.
‘Method 2’ — Calculation of the total weight based on the actual (no estimations) weight of the sum of all contents of the container + the container tare weight. The contents include but are not limited to the cargo, packing-, securing- and lashing materials. Use of this method will be subject to local requirements, these may vary per country.


The container tare weights are indicated on the container doors at all times. Our principals are developing an online tool to check the container details (including tare weight), we expect this function will be available online soon.


Regardless of the method used, the VGM details should at least consist of: the VGM weight, container – and booking number, duly authorized person’s name in capital letters and the date of determination.


Submitting the VGM
Regardless of the method used to submit the VGM details, the VGM details must be available in our system ultimately at the moment of the Bill of Lading closing (mentioned on our booking confirmations). You can make use of different channels to provide the VGM details to us. Please find a brief description below:


EDI — You can use the following EDIFACT messages to submit the VGM details.
2. IFTMIN (Shipping / B/L Instruction)
3. IFTMBF (Booking request)

ShipmentLink — Evergreen Line’s online portal will allow you to insert and submit the VGM details conveniently to us.
E-Mail — Alternatively you can also add the VGM details in your B/L instruction submitted to our usual E-mail address.



Consequences of having no VGM at all, or not timely submitting the VGM
During delivery of containers the terminal will not ask for the VGM details, you will have to make sure yourself you have the VGM and that you submit it to us well before the deadline described above. If no VGM is determined, we urge you not to deliver the specific unit(s) to the deep sea terminal. As both ECT Delta and ECT Euromax have indicated they do not offer a ‘weighing’ service on their terminals.


In case no VGM details are made available timely to us, we will not be allowed to load the unit(s) on board of the planned vessel. A subsequent delay of your shipment might occur and is subject to the standard conditions, including but not limited to demurrage- and rollover charges.


In view of any transshipment abroad after the 1st of July and in order to familiarize yourself with the new procedure smoothly, we strongly suggest to start submitting the VGM details to us before the actual obligation starts on the 1st of July. In this light we would like to inform you we will gladly receive your VGM details as from the 1st week of June already.


In case you would like to know more details about the new regulation, we would like to refer the following websites:
Evergreen Line:
World Shipping Council:
Vereniging Rotterdamse Cargadoors (in Dutch only):

Vereniging van Rotterdamse Terminal Operators (VRTO)
We thank you in advance for your smooth cooperation. In case you have further questions please contact your Evergreen sales representative or contact our local Customer Service Department.
Kind regards,
Evergreen Shipping Agency (Netherlands) B.V.
As agent of ‘Evergreen Line’


