


Columbus PNW – Change of Terminals in Vancouver, BC

Effective July 18th, 2016


Dear Valued Customer,


Please note that our Columbus PNW service will be calling at VANTERM for both Exports and Imports effective JULY 18, 2016.



The first vessel calling at VANTERM will be M/V “CMA CGM Bianca”,
Inbound voyage 191USE with ETA July 18,
Outbound voyage 192USW with ETD July 22.


ERD and Cutoffs are published at the Vanterm website at:


It is our intention to return the PNW service back to GCT Deltaport when the present construction work has been completed.
Thank you for your continued support. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please contact your local CMA CGM sales representative. For current schedule activity please visit our Web site at www.cma-cgm.com.
Best regards,
CMA CGM (America) LLC



