In order to keep you informed about the developments in the market place, especially developments in new laws and regulations, we quote here below a nice overview by Vilden Associates on the E- Manifest development for shipments to Canada.




Canadian eManifest Update:
NVOCC Filing Details Now Mandatory
Effective November 7th 2016, NVOCC filing details have become mandatory for the Canadian Border Services Agency’s (CBSA) eManifest filing regulation.  For purposes of CBSA, freight forwarder is defined as:  “A person who, on behalf of one or more owners, importers, shippers or consignees of goods, causes specified goods to be transported by one or more carriers.”
From November 7, 2016, to January 10, 2017, the CBSA will provide freight forwarders with a period of transition during which penalties for non-compliance will not be issued and the CBSA will work closely with freight forwarders on corrective measures.
This requirement brings about several changes to the maritime community, both for marine carriers and NVOCCs (freight forwarders):


 Before 11/7/2016   As Of 11/7/2016
  • ACI cargo (Advance Cargo Information) destined for direct discharge in Canada is filed by the carrier with whom the ocean portion of the transport  is booked.  This reflects the shipper and consignee as submitted to the marine carrier.
  • ACI destined for direct discharge in Canada will be filed by the party responsible for the movement of the cargo, NVOCC or Marine Carrier.




  • A SCR (Supplemental Cargo Report) is transmitted by the carrier or NVOCC to complete the ACI cargo report.  SCR reflects the true/actual shipper/consignee for the goods described.



  • eManifest HBL will replace the SCR for direct discharge cargo.  eManifest HBL will incorporate additional data elements not previously required.




  • Marine carrier can file this on behalf of the NVOCC using the carrier filer code.



  • Marine carrier can file eManifest HBL on behalf of the NVOCC, however, NVOCC must have their own CBSA issued filer code (8000 series code) and must be used as part of the CCN (cargo control number).
  • Marine carrier submits SCR for FROB (freight remaining on board) cargo, regardless of it is their direct customer or NVOCC cargo.




  • NVOCC submits SCR for their own FROB (freight remaining on board). Marine carrier may submit on behalf of the NVOCC, but must use the NVOCC’s carrier code.



The NVOCC will be responsible to notify CBSA when all HBLs for a prime (or immediately higher level) cargo report have been filed using the close message. Full bill of lading details will automatically be provided to a de-consolidation warehouse when the sub location code is provided. NVOCC can nominate other recipients for full bill of lading details, i.e., local agent for in-bond re-manifesting (note, this is NOT for dispositions). New notices will be available, i.e. notification of cargo completed by a close message, cargo arrival at a de-consolidation warehouse message, cargo release message. Recipients of new notices must apply and advise CBSA which notices they wish to receive.

eManifest Implementation Timeline

From November 7, 2016, to January 10, 2017, the CBSA will provide freight forwarders with a period of transition during which penalties for non-compliance will not be issued and the CBSA will work closely with freight forwarders on corrective measures.


From January 11, 2017, to July 11, 2017, freight forwarders deemed to be non-compliant with eManifest requirements may be issued zero-rated penalties (non-monetary) under the CBSA’s Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS).


Beginning July 12, 2017, freight forwarders deemed to be non-compliant with eManifest requirements may be issued monetary AMPS penalties.


Vilden Associates have been certified for eManifest HBL filings since May, 2014.  We are currently completing our certification for receipt of the new notices that can be issued. Contact us today and see how our solutions can help you fulfill your ACI and eManifest requirements. Click here to request more information, or email us at


Click here to view the most current information on the CBSA website.

Click here for a digitized application (PDF) to file Canadian ACI.


