





Liberty Bridge 2 – Termination of Service

Dear Valued Customer,

Please be informed that in order to adjust our capacity with the evolution of the Transatlantic trade, CMA CGM will be suspending our Liberty Bridge 2 service, one of the loops currently providing coverage between the USEC and North Europe.

Service suspension will be effective following the below sailings:

– Last Westbound sailing: Ital Usodimare V 125LYW
ETD Le Havre 12/4/16
ETA New York 12/12/16

– Last Eastbound sailing: YM Moderation V 122LYE
ETD Charleston 12/2/16
ETA Antwerp 12/12/16

CMA CGM would like to reiterate our strong commitment to service the Transatlantic trade, and we expect to reorganize our coverage in the Spring of 2017. In the meantime, our Liberty Bridge 1, Victory Bridge and PAD N services will continue to offer competitive solutions to and from North Europe and the US.
Thank you for your continued support. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please contact your local CMA CGM sales representative. For current schedule activity please visit our Web site at www.cma-cgm.com.
Best regards,
CMA CGM (America) LLC


