NYK Destination cost Recov. Surcharge Manila

  Kindly read the details here:     Quote       Updates on Destination cost recovery surcharge in Manila, Philippines   26th November 2014   Dear Valued Customer, In view of the ongoing heavy congestion faced in Manila port, operating vessels are still facing serious delays. In order to cover the additional cost of [...]

By |2014-11-26T15:13:26+01:00November 26th, 2014|News|0 Comments

Evergreen Low Sulphur Surcharge

  Here the latest news of Evergreen regarding the new surcharge to be valid as of January 2015     Quote     To our import customers Implementation of Low Sulphur Surcharge Dear customers, On behalf of EVERGREEN LINE we want to inform you about the following implementation of Low Sulphur Surcharge for all shipments [...]

By |2014-11-26T15:04:43+01:00November 26th, 2014|News|0 Comments

Hanjin Low Sulphur Surcharge

    Here an overview on the Hanjin Low Sulphur Surcharges:   Quote   Implementation of Low Sulphur Fuel Surcharge (LSF) on South America/ Asia- North Europe Trade   As from January 2015 all shipping lines calling the Emission Control Areas (ECA) have to use higher-quality fuels with a max. content of 0.1% sulphur resulting [...]

By |2014-11-26T09:23:20+01:00November 26th, 2014|News|0 Comments

CMA suspension PCS Oakland + Seattle, but keep LA

    It really gets complicated now, CMA again circulates on the PCS and lifts it for Oakland and Seattle, while they keep it for Los Angeles:   Quote     Customer Advisory #116 – 2014 Port Congestion Surcharge USWC Imports – Weekly Update Effective November 26, 2014   Dear Valued Customer, As we advised [...]

By |2014-11-25T16:40:30+01:00November 25th, 2014|News|0 Comments

OOCL Transatlantic Winter Program Update

  OOCL specifies the withdrawal of 2 sailings:   Quote   Trans-Atlantic Trade - Winter Program Further Update     Dear Valued Customer, In response to the expected low demand during the upcoming Christmas and New Year period, we would like to inform you about the withdrawal of two Trans-Atlantic sailings from our Atlantic Express [...]

By |2014-11-25T16:30:49+01:00November 25th, 2014|News|0 Comments

MOL new version of PCS for the USA WC

  As much as other lines went ahead already, MOL is following to levy the surcharge by receipt date, not anymore by discharge date. See here:   Quote     November 24, 2014   RE: Labor Negotiations Surcharge   Dear MOL Customer:   Present conditions at U.S. West Coast ports and terminals, including congestion arising [...]

By |2014-11-25T13:28:00+01:00November 25th, 2014|News|0 Comments

CMA USA West Coast Congestion surcharge resurfaces

    First it gets announced, then it gets cancelled, now the PCS is coming up again? Now the wording is changed to cargo that they receive after November 26th, before it was the sudden annoucement that any cargo discharged after November....     Quote     Customer Advisory #115 – 2014 Port Congestion Surcharge [...]

By |2014-11-24T13:38:23+01:00November 24th, 2014|News|0 Comments

Asia to Euro GRI postponed

    It is getting more and more clear in the market place that the GRI  will be postponed that was planned for December 1st on the Asis to Euro Tradelane.   The following lines already announced the delay to  14/15.12.2015   UASC, APL, NYK, HAPAG, EVERGREEN   We will keep you informed.    

By |2014-11-21T14:36:46+01:00November 21st, 2014|News|0 Comments

CMA details of their new TA service

  We reported before that there were rumors in the market that CMA would start their own service on the TA. Here now more specific details:     Quote   Dear valued Customer,   as you might be aware, our current SCA with MSL and MSC will soon be terminated and we are now glad to [...]

By |2014-11-21T14:17:37+01:00November 21st, 2014|News|0 Comments

MOL also suspends Port Congestion Surcharge

    There seem to be serious doubts about the application of the Port Congestion Surcharge:   Quote     RE: Labor Negotiations Surcharge Postponed Dear MOL Customer:   As follow-up to the previous communication on MOL assessing the labor negotiations surcharge on November 19, 2014, MOL has decided to postpone the application of this [...]

By |2014-11-21T09:21:20+01:00November 21st, 2014|News|0 Comments
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