We just received this message from Maersk Line:



China Customs head office has ordered all Chinese ports to stop using old manifest system and implement the new CCAM system from 30th of June 2014. Shanghai port has finished with the implementation recently; however this does not mean enforcement of the regulations. Chinese customs intend to enforce the regulations when all ports confirm readiness still expected from 30th September 2014.


Effective from enforcement date, shipments that have no approval or receive a “Do not load” notice from Chinese customs cannot be loaded on any vessel calling China.


To ensure smooth transportation of your shipment after CCAM enforcement, we would like to bring the following rules into your attention:


– Chinese customs mandate valid seal number to be present on the shipping instruction. Special characters are not allowed.


– Each seal number should be unique, the same seal number cannot appear more than once for a single container or transport document.


– Authorities also require dangerous cargo contact to be advised for all dangerous cargo.


We encourage you to start follow this practice as soon as possible, making sure that all containers will be approved for loading at go live of the regulations.


In order to make you aware of the data quality concerns your documentation might have for China, we will start sending intimations in case we see a challenge from 11th of August 2014.


For detailed information on this regulation and relevant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), you may visit Maersk Line website via this link:




We will keep you informed of any further development regarding the enforcement. In case you have any questions or require any assistance regarding this new regulation, please don’t hesitate to contact your local Maersk Line representative.


Thank you for your attention!


Yours sincerely,
