Fraudulent Attempts to Change CMA Banking Details
Dear customer,
We have been informed this afternoon of an identity forgery attempt regarding CMA CGM banking details. A person, pretending to be a CMA CGM employee is calling some of our customers and is asking them to change our banking details.
Obviously these calls are fraudulent. CMA CGM will never call you to ask you to implement banking information modifications. We would like to remind you that our banking information is noted on our invoices and that in case of change they will be communicated in writing on our invoices and must be confirmed with your usual contact within your local agency.
If you receive any such requests, by phone, email, mail or fax, asking you to change the CMA CGM payment account number or if you have any doubt on the identity of the person performing this request, liaise immediately with your usual contact within your agency.
Our sales team remains at your disposal for any question you may have,
Best regards,
CMA CGM (America) LLC