Fire incident on CCNI Arauco – Update 1
2nd September, 2016
Dear valued Customer,
As a follow-up to our customer information dated 1st September 2016 regarding the fire incident on board of CCNI Arauco at the port of Hamburg, we would now like to inform you that the fire is under control, but firefighting operations still have to continue over the weekend.
The full extent of the damages to the ship and the cargo on board are not yet clear. As per information distributed by the Owners of the ship, some of the cargo has been affected by fire and some has been affected by the extinguishing water.
In consequence of this, the Owners have declared General Average and Messrs. Siemens Maritime Adjusters GmbH have been appointed to draw up the Adjustment of General Average and to collect the General Average securities from all parties concerned in cargo.
Please find below the details of Siemens Maritime Adjusters GmbH:
Burchardstrasse 24, 20095 Hamburg, Germany
TEL: +49-40-466 55 19 10 / FAX: +49-40-466 55 19 99
Contact person: Jan Siemens / Email: j.siemens@sma-hamburg.de
The Adjusters will reach out to you with detailed instructions, and to explain the procedure for collection of General Average securities.
In regards to the schedule of CCNI Arauco please note that MONTE Alegre will cover the original position of the CCNI Arauco on voyage 635E and cover London (provisional berthing date 4th September) and Antwerp (provisional berthing date 5th September) in Europe as well as the remainder of the service rotation as per the standard pro-forma schedule. All Hamburg export cargo planned for CCNI Arauco will be loaded on SAN Felipe voyage 636E with ETA Hamburg on 7th September 2016.
We continue to monitor the developments closely and we will provide you with further information latest on Monday, the 5th September 2016.
Yours sincerely,
Hamburg Süd
Region Europe