


RATE RESTORATION North Europe to Far East (NERA)


October 19, 2016

Dear Valued Customer,


As a result of the continuous unsustainable rate level prevailing on the trade from North Europe to Asia and in order to be able to offer our customers a continuous reliable service, Hamburg Süd wishes to announce a rate restoration effective November 01, 2016.


FAK rates for dry containers from direct ports to direct Chinese ports for November 2016 will be:
GERMANY: USD 500/550 per 20’/40’
NETHERLANDS/ BELGIUM: USD 450/500 per 20’/40’
UNITED KINGDOM: USD 300/400 per 20’/40’
FRANCE: USD 600/650 per 20’/40’
(gate-in terms, subject to DOC/CUDE & locals at origin, ECA, all destination charges as per tariff)


Should you require more information, please contact your local Hamburg Süd office. Contact details may be found on: www.hamburgsud-line.com/offices
With best regards,
Hamburg Süd


