

Venezuelan Customs Regulations – New Documentation Requirements

Caracas Venezuela, February 03th 2015

Dear Valued Customer:
We would like to inform you about Venezuelan Customs requirements for import cargo:
Shipping Lines and port agents must submit to local Customs, the electronic manifest (data transmission) 48 hrs. prior vessel arrival (as per article 20 Venezuela Custom Law).
Please consider that once data has been submitted to Venezuela Customs system (SIDUNEA), we will not be able to make modifications or add cargo.
Any additional shipment included after data transmission to our local Custom, will be remaining onboard in order to avoid fines and penalties such as our Ports Agents license suspension.
For shipments with short transit time to Venezuela, please take into consideration that we will be considering the pre-transmission as final transmission to submit to our local custom system.
Therefore we kindly ask your support to take necessary measures in order to educate your clients (Shippers, Freight Forwarders, and Custom Brokers) about this new Venezuelan Custom Regulation to minimize corrections and amendments.
Atención al Cliente
Hamburg Süd Venezuela, C.A.

