


Chile – Peru Service (SW1) “Glasgow Express” Voyage 5146N / 6101S

January 5, 2016

Dear Customer,


With regret we have to inform you that MV “Glasgow Express” voyage 5146N/6101S suffered some minor technical issues which require an ad-hoc repair in Hamburg.


In order to maintain the schedule integrity and to avoid further delays, it has been agreed to omit the port of London Gateway on this voyage.
Import cargo will be discharged at Hamburg and connect to the next SW1 vessel MV “CMA CGM America” 6102S, ets Hamburg January 16, 2016, eta London Gateway January 18, 2016.


Export cargo will be connected with MV “CMA CGM America” 6102S, ets London Gateway January 18, 2016 or alternatively with MV “MSC Angela” NW601R, ets Tilbury January 11, 2016.


For further information please contact your local Hapag-Lloyd office.
Kind regards,
Hapag-Lloyd AG


