


Dear Customer,


We are excited to share with you an overview of our 2017 ATLANTIC product portfolio, which will become available to you in April 2017.


Hapag-Lloyd will offer 14 weekly Transatlantic sailings in each direction, connecting all coasts in the US, Canada and Mexico with North Europe and the Mediterranean Region.


Of these 14 loops, nine will continue to sail in their well-established and stable setup, and only five services will be subject to some vessel changes when we transition from G6 to THE Alliance.


The final terminal selection is in the making, and we will update this brochure on our website for you as we move along.


We appreciate any feedback to our service brochure. Please contact us by Email under Ilena.Hirsch@hlag.com
For further information, please contact your local Hapag-Lloyd office.
Kind regards,
Hapag-Lloyd AG


