


Container Weight Verification Requirement (SOLAS)

Customer information: December 2015

As you may be aware the Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS) is being amended to require, as a condition for loading a packed container onto a ship that the container has a verified gross weight. The shipper is responsible for the verification of the packed container’s weight and the SOLAS amendment will become effective on July 1st 2016. After this date, it would be in breach of SOLAS to load a packed container onto a vessel if the vessel operator and marine terminal operator do not have a verified container weight.

The Verified Weight means the total gross mass of the loaded container as provided by the shipper (or a third party duly appointed by the shipper).

In brief summary two methods are available for obtaining the verified weight:

Method 1 –The packed container is weighed after the end of the stuffing operation using calibrated and certified equipment.

Method 2 – For some uniform or packaged cargo the known weight of cargo packages / pallets etc. and securing material is added to the tare mass of the container. This method is however subject to verification /certification and approval by the competent national authorities of the country in which the packing and sealing of the container was completed. There may therefore be some slight variation in practice.

The World Shipping Council and its member shipping companies have developed guidelines (link below) to explain what the implementation of the regulations will require of shippers, carriers and terminal operators which you may find of interest.


“K” Line will continue to provide updates on this subject.

Yours faithfully,

“K”Line (Nederland) BV


