Looks like some theoretical strategists came up with a procedure…





Changes to Acceptance Procedures on Delivery Order Request



We would like to inform our customers in Australia that we have reviewed our processes surrounding the acceptance of Delivery/Release Order requests and will be implementing the following changes effective immediately.

Before sending a Delivery/Release request, Maersk Line requests customers to ensure the following:

  • A Shipping instruction has been sent and the Bill of Lading has been issued
  • All due payments have been made
  • Original Bill of Ladings have been surrendered

If Maersk Line hasn’t been supplied with Shipping Instructions when you request your Delivery/Release Order; you will need to resubmit your request after the Shipping Instructions are submitted and processed.

In case a payment does not reflect in our system 24 hours after your request has been received, Maersk Line will ask you to resubmit your request after ensuring the payment has been processed.

Similarly, if the Original Bills of Lading have not been surrendered 30 minutes after your request has been received; Maersk Line will ask you to resubmit your request after ensuring the Original Bills of Lading have been submitted to our offices or one of our agents.


