Please read here as per Maersk announcement:




On August 7th, 2014, the Russian Government announced an import ban on certain commodities from EU, Norway, US, Canada and Australia with immediate effect.


We are investigating the full implication of the ban, and will advise further details when known, but it is our customers’ responsibility to investigate the details on this import ban and check very carefully which cargo may be shipped to Russia.


At present we are unable to accept any new bookings of banned commodities for Russia.


Cargo which we know to be banned or which turns out to be banned presently en route to Russia will be returned and all costs arising will be for the shipper’s account, including local costs and freight, as per the terms of the contract of carriage. Maersk Line will do all possible to assist with the return or change of destination of any such cargo.


To safeguard your best interest, please make sure to inform us as soon as possible of any banned cargo which is already en route, for possible re-routing or diversion.

