


  Shippers Own Tank Container

Certificate for Dangerous Cargo

Dear Valued Customer,
In accordance with the Container Safety Convention (CSC) as well as the provisions of Marine Order Part 44 related to Safe Containers, we wish to re-emphasize the need for Shippers Own Tank Certificate issued by an approved classification society with a validity throughout the duration of the journey.

Like today we will confirm your booking without the approved certificate, however as from 1st of July 2016 we will not be able to load your container if the Certificate is missing.

We kindly ask you to submit your approved Tank Certificate together with your other dangerous cargo documents to the e-mail address: DGDEUR@maersk.com.

For pre-approved shippers we will only require the approved tank certificate for non-Maersk Line vessels.

Should you have any questions regarding this change, please do not hesitate to contact your Customer Service Business Partner.

With best regards

Maersk Line


