


08 November, 2016

MOL future coverage of Baltic Sea, Black Sea and the Adriatic region

This morning the members of THE Alliance announced the details of the plan for their product starting from April 2017.




The product of THE Alliance will feature eight services in the Asia/Europe trade including three services covering the important Mediterranean market. Next to this; six loops will serve the North Atlantic trade covering a wide range of North European and Mediterranean ports as well as those in the US, Canada and Mexico. The base-plan port rotations for the total 31 services can be found at http://www.mol.co.jp/en/pr/2016/16061.html



Although there are many benefits to the new product plan, you might have noticed that there are a few important areas, which will not be served via a direct call by THE Alliance partners. These areas are; the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea and the Adriatic region.



With this notification we would like to inform you that MOL remains committed in serving these areas and we are currently investigating the best future scenarios to keep our coverage within these regions without disruption.



We will update you shortly on the details.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact your local sales office. Contact details can be found on our website www.molpower.com.
Yours faithfully,

MOL Management


