




Industrial Action – Spanish port workers strike


Dear Valued Customer,


Following the port strikes organized by the Spanish port workers unions we were this week confronted with
very serious challenges following the M/S Safmarine Highveld Voy 170B being forced to omit Algeciras.


Meanwhile we have also been informed on more omissions and delays at Spanish ports not only for vessels
operated within SAECS but vessels operated within the framework of the G6 alliance are equally affected.


Below article published in ‘American Shipper’ provides some good background information on the situation:



Spanish unions plan to carry out port strikes
Spanish unions plan to implement port strikes this month in response to the government’s plan to
reform the country’s port system. The Spanish government will face strikes at all ports across the
country on the 20th, 22nd and 24th of this month, according to International Transport Workers’
Federation (ITF) Maritime Operations Coordinator Jacqueline Smith.
“The government’s decree seeks to bring Spanish dock labor legislation into line with European Union
single market legislation,” IHS Fairplay reported.
Cargo-handling activity has reportedly started to slow at some ports, including Barcelona, and some
shipping companies are reportedly making plans to divert some of their vessels to French ports during
the strike period, IHS Fairplay said. Unions calling on the strike say the government’s decree would
result in over 6,000 dockers losing their jobs due to plans to cut the Spanish labor force by 25 percent
per year for the next three years, according to IHS Fairplay.
(American Shipper)


We as carrier are confronted with a ‘Force Majeure’ situation and cannot be held liable for any extra costs
incurred as a result of the situation in Spain. We therefore warn shippers shipping cargo to Spain that we
cannot guarantee transit times and are prepared to waiver the COD fee but cannot contribute to landside
transport costs.


Any questions please feel free to contact any of our offices or alternatively your local sales executive.
Thank you for your understanding in this regard.
Yours faithfully,
Trade Management
MOL South Africa
Tuesday, February 14, 2017





