Please find here below the GRI annoucement of Cosco for their next TA GRI:




Confirm filing GRI for All Cargo in Tariff 101, effective October 1, 2014 as follows:




Tariff  :  101 – EUA(WB) Europe To USA&Canada Rule Number :  101 Rule Title  :  GENERAL RATE INCREASE Effective From  :  October 1, 2014 Effective End  :

Amendment Type  :  A

Status  :  Filed

File Date  :

Rule Context  :  A) General Rate Increases for year 2000 thru March 31, 2012

can be viewed thru historical retrieval of rule 101 in

tariff FMC 001.

General Rate Increases from April 1, 2012 to Dec 31, 2013

can be viewed thru historical retrieval of this rule.


B) General Rate Increase for year 2014:


1.  Effective October 1, 2014 all cargo/all container types

moving from  North Europe to/via U.S. East coast ports

shall be increased as follows:

Per 20′ Container……………………$200.00

Per 40′ Container……………………$300.00


Rates published in this tariff have been increased


