


OOCL announces new Asia-Adriatic Service (AAS) for Asia-Europe Trade

Dear Valued Customer,

To enhance our service coverage in the Asia-Europe Trade by extending our existing Mediterranean network to the Adriatic region, we are pleased to introduce our new Asia-Adriatic service (AAS).

The AAS provides direct linkage between Asia and Adriatic ports, offering more competitive and reliable services than transshipment options. It is the only dedicated service with coverage between Asia and the Adriatic region, including Italy, Slovenia and Croatia, on top of our extensive inland network throughout Central Europe.





AAS port rotation:  Shanghai – Ningbo – Busan – Chiwan – Tanjung Pelepas – Port Kelang – Koper – Trieste – Rijeka – Venice – Koper – Malta – Jeddah – Port Kelang – Tanjung Pelepas – Nansha – Shanghai

Westbound effective voyage:  Xin Yan Tian, voyage 129W, ETA Shanghai on August 25

Eastbound effective voyage:  Xin Yan Tian, voyage 130E, ETA Koper on September 24

For further information, please kindly contact our local representatives or find out the latest Sailing Schedule under e-Services on our website.

Thank you for your support of OOCL.


