K-Line: Pss Mitigation

      Quote     Dear valued customer,     please be informed that “K” LINE will mitigate the PSS for DRY units:   Effective 19th May PSS ex UK to Asia, Middle East, IEX = USD 150/Container Effective 21st May PSS ex other NEUR ports to Asia, Middle East IEX = USD 200/ [...]

By |2017-05-09T11:14:56+01:00May 9th, 2017|Charges, Rates, Surcharges|0 Comments

K- Line: Container Imbalance surcharge

      Quote     Customer Advisory Notice   Subject: Container Imbalance Surcharge For All Destinations in Philippines (CII)    Dear Valued “K” Line Customer,   “K” Line have decided to implement a Container Imbalance Surcharge (CII) for all cargo with destination in the Philippines to address the issues arising from the surplus of [...]

By |2017-05-02T15:28:57+01:00May 2nd, 2017|Charges, Rates, Surcharges|0 Comments

K- Line: PSS Europe to Asia

      Quote     Subject: Peak Season Surcharge WEF 5th April 2017   Dear Valued “K” Line Customer, Due to prevailing market conditions “K” Line have decided to apply a     Peak Season Surcharge of USD 400/Container effective 5th April 2017 (B/L date)     for all equipment types (DRY/REEFER/SPECIALS) on the [...]

By |2017-03-20T15:21:35+01:00March 20th, 2017|Charges, Rates, Surcharges|0 Comments
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