


Dear Customer,


In May 2014, the IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee approved changes to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) convention regarding a mandatory container weight verification requirement on shippers.

This is an effort the World Shipping Council has been advocating for many years.

Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargo and Containers (DSC) Sub-committee approved changes to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) convention will require verification of container weights before loaded containers may be placed aboard ships.

The DSC report was approved by the Maritime Safety Committee in May 2014 and adopted by the committee in November 2014.

The requirement making container weight verification a condition for vessel loading will become legally binding on 1st July, 2016.


Please click on the below link for an informative guide to the SOLAS amendment:




For any questions or feedback please get in touch with your usual Sales contact.


Thank you for your continued support,

Your UASC Team


